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Five taste safe messy play activities to try at home 🎨

Natalie Hollindrake
  • Edible paint 🎨-This great activity can be made with simple ingredients like natural yogurt or a dairy free version of mashed potato. Edible paints can be used to draw patterns, making marks which even the youngest of babies will enjoy. Or why not add some animal figures where the older children can use for small world play or just to have fun painting the animals.

  • Edible playdough- our weekly playdough station always has homemade salt free playdough. It just consists of flour and water so not harmful if ingested although I would still recommend not eating but one to mention on the list as it's a great all round activity

  • Edible sand- blended cereal makes the perfect edible sand. Perfect for all those babies and little ones that like to eat everything! You can add some sand toys to the tray to make it more fun or bowls etc that you find around the house. Edible sand is also great for developing practical life skills which is part of the montessori approach. These skills could be scooping, pouring and transfering etc and edible sand makes the perfect messy play ingredient to do this with.

  • Spagetti- can make a great messy play activity plus most little ones like to snack on it too 🤣. Team it with some bowls and spoons and they will probely just enjoy moving the spagetti from one place to another. If you divide the spagetti up into containers and add a drop of food colouring to each tub before adding them to the tray you could add the benefits of developing colour recognition to the activity.

  • Gloop! Has to be one of my favourite messy play activities. Just cornflour and water makes amazing gloop. It's quite a fascinating one as it turns from a solid to a liquid so great to show the children. I also find that the adults love this one too.... some maybe more than the kids 🤣. You will probley find yourself as interested in this as the kids as I think you would agree it's quite therapeutic.

If you like the sound of these activities but just don't fancy doing them at home dont fear because we do all the above activities in our classes and more ( not all at the same time 🤣). For those brave enough to try at home I hope you enjoy getting messy 🙂



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